As Coronavirus continues to pave its way around the world, affecting people’s financial, social, and personal lives, I, like all of us, had extra time on my hands to read and write more, try new activities and cruise the internet. One of the first things I noticed in the earlier stages of the pandemic was people expressing their nervousness of what was to come, rightfully so. On the flip side, there was also a wave of optimism, strength and reassurance that followed, reminding the world that there would be a light at the end of this tunnel. I became inspired and motivated by the positivity I was seeing, and decided to share my gifts of writing and singing to anyone who would listen.

In developing this song I thought of the common repeated phrases I saw on social media, such as, “We got this”, “We’re gonna make it through” and “We’re gonna be alright”. I then thought about what I was grateful for during such unordinary times. This being God, family, friends and the ability to create. With all of this in mind, I was able to transform these thoughts into an audible experience.
When it comes to songwriting, I tend to take my time in constructing lyrics that represent the story I want to tell. This can often turn into a timely task spanning weeks or even months. However, with this song, it poured out of me so effortlessly.
In the song I say,
Yen ko da [ let’s go to sleep] and wake up in the morning to thank God we are alive. ~Agyakomah~
In addition to,
Nya abotrɛ [have patience], trust me when I say that we’re gonna make it in the end.
I incorporated ‘Twi’ as I thought about my family abroad in Ghana and beyond who are also working on overcoming Covid-19’s impact and wanted them to listen to this and feel some type of familiarity.

These past few months have shown that we as a culture will figure out how to consume our content no matter the obstacles and restrictions placed in our way, for obvious enjoyment, but in ways, for survival. Upcoming and independent artists and creators are impressively creating art, music, podcasts, and more with limited resources and showcasing what is impossible with tenacity, quick thinking and a whole lot of creativity.

Ultimately, “We Gonbalright” is an audible reminder to myself that no matter what situation we may be going through, there’s power in looking to your left, right and above to those who you lean on for strength and with them you can always find the will and the power to move forward in life.
Listen to “We Gonbalright” by Agyakomah
About Agyakomah: