
The Innovative Millennial Transforming Indian Health Food Industry!

Get to know more about us. We have a proud history.

4 mins read

Twenty-three-year old social change-maker Nidhi Pant proves once again that the millennial generation has no bounds to what they can accomplish once given access to technology; Nidhi Pant is a “disruptor millennial” from India who says that she has always been inclined towards bettering the life of the less fortunate.


The drive to reach out to others goes beyond a point of relevance, it’s more on the basis of fulfillment and giving back; She describes it as  her way of being grateful for all that she has been given.

She lays emphasis on the importance to share her learning for the betterment of others. At just only 23 years she describes how enriching the experience is to listen to the unheard voices and stories of the marginalize—because when one really pays attention “we realize that what we believe is despair in all actuality has a lot of potential”,  All they need she says, is the presence of someone standing beside them and someone who believes in their potential.


Nidhi Pant, 23 year old founder of Desivdesi

About DesiVDesi


Launched in January 17th, 2017 and headquartered in Mumbai, DesiVDesi is a sustainable technology backed B2C CPG vertical of Science For Society Techno Service Pvt Ltd – a food processing company which started in 2008 as a manufacturer of drying equipment and has now evolved as a food supplier in the B2B and B2C segment.

A cross section of the Desivdesi team

DesiVDesi packages natural nutrient rich, gluten free – vegetables chips, ready to eat delicacies and dehydrated fruits chunks sourced and processed by the farmers using an award winning patented sustainable food drying technology – Solar Conduction Dryer.


The company creates an effective distribution channel, providing market access to enhance income of the farmers. It provides a tasty, healthy and affordable snacking option, promoting a healthier lifestyle.


As described by the millennial founder Nidhi, Desivdesi as a food processing enterprise is geared to redefine the way people snack. She says the patented and multi  award-winning solar conduction dryer technology enables them to preserve the original nutrients of every fruit and vegetable while exponentially increasing their shelf life.

Rethinking Snacking and Health Consciousness:

Nidhi says that consumers can now satiate their mid-meal hunger with all the goodness of real fruit and vegetables, free from preservatives and artificial colors.


Wholesome and nutritious snacks and bites are essential to keep one energized and on the go. Apart from the company’s principle to create holistic and nutritious snack and energy food options, she says they also focus on upliftment and fair trade policies with their associated farmers.

To put it in a nutshell, their brand as Nidhi describes transmutes beyond being a mere business module, Desivdesi is a movement to bring farm-fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers in a healthy, tasty and convenient package, while simultaneously ensuring that the farmers get their dues and credit.


Nidhi says she would like to emphasis on the importance of urban nutrition given the lifestyle we live by, it is imperative for us “urbanites” to balance all the pollution and stress we are exposed to with food and exercise. DesiVdesi has a wide range of healthy, lip smacking and nutritional range of Veggie Crisps and Fruit Chunks.

With this, the company is attempting to solve 3 pronged problems, viz. – Combating unhealthy snacking patterns among kids and adults with a healthier alternative; Minimizing financial losses of farmers by preventing wastage of farm produce/harvest; and empowering farmers to earn better revenue margins.


Care to Try Veggie Chips?


We make our journey to you from India’s rural farmlands – crunchy, flavorful, brimming with the goodness of fresh vegetables. We travel far and wide, never losing our intrinsic values, bringing you wholesome, honest, healthful snacking. Grown with love, made with care, us veggie crisps were meant to be shared.- Desivdesi



Fruit Chunks

We make our journey to you from India’s rural farmlands – luscious, flavorful, brimming with the goodness of fresh fruit. We travel far and wide, never losing our intrinsic values, bringing you wholesome, honest, healthful snacking. Grown with love, made for your pleasure, our fruit chunks never go out of season.- Desivdesi



Why there is Food Wastage In India

Commenting on the launch, Nidhisays :


“According to a UN report on food wastage & its impact on natural resources, India is one of the major countries to waste food items, despite being one of the hungriest countries in the world. The biggest reason for this wastage lies in lack of basic infrastructure like storage facilities, mainly during harvest season, which leads farmers to sell all their produce almost immediately. Due to this, a significant percentage of the farmer’s harvest remains unsold, and as a result, leads to wastage. Moreover, poor storage conditions during the whole process also lead to damaged or spoiled foodstuff, leaving the poor farmers hopeless, and contributing to a situation where food distribution gets affected.”

DesiVDesi’s patented Solar Conduction Dryer has been recognized by USAID, FICCI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UN, Bayer, and other national and international organizations.


Advice to other Millennial aspiring innovators?

Nidhi Pant dishes valuable advice to millennials saying:

I’d like to tell all the entrepreneurs out there that, nothing else matters but doing your job and doing it well, irrelevant are the circumstances.

It is important to live and work by the ideal of dignity of labour, there is no work which is beneath one’s self and no work which diminishes our capabilities.


Innovation is creation and in order to create one must be committed and prepared to go the distance, during the process of ideation and innovation there is a long period of trial and error. Thomas Edison experimented and failed for around 2000 times before he finally invented the light bulb, more so he never gave up or considered those attempts as failure. He considered the whole phase of trial and error as a huge 20,000 step process to attain his invention.

My advice to innovators is that, do not ever give up and believe in your idea.


Stay tuned for more stories on Millennial disruptors, thought-leaders and change makers!  


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