The federal holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the United States after the Civil War.…
The federal holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the United States after the Civil War.…
'TANTV1OK' campaign aims to document how 10k Black and minority owned businesses are innovating due the pandemic. Sign up on Indiegogo to 'Let TANTV tell your story'…
The Art of Being Alive Series, Latasha writes on TANTV's Black Voices. "A trail of black bodies lay in the memory of our consciousness causing trauma, stress, and anxiety..."…
Harvard African and African American Studies (AAAS) faculty recommended a playlist of black music to take us through this summer of protest.…
Originally published on Huffpost (Huffington Post)-Two Black men dead from two police shootings, two raw video footages captured live and all within two days from July 4th Independence day in the United States. Several are outraged, protesting and voicing out their fears,…
Anonymous survey and call to action for all African and Black immigrants in the US to participate in the Black Census Project and make their voices hear…
If I could put this film in a genre I would call it a cerebral thriller. It was so intelligent. It is literally a Black person's worst nightmare, and as a viewer I hoped for once that we would take justice into…
The new social media campaign , #ShareTheMicNow will allow black prominent women figures to take over the instagram account of prominent white women figures on June 10th 2020.…
Black people are still suffering from their forefathers’ collective failure to invest in the future of their people. What are some solutions?…
National conflict in America and Human Rights Violation of Black Americans.…