President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana emphasized the critical role of international support in resolving ongoing conflicts in Africa, particularly within the Ghanaian region. He argues that fostering cooperation and backing the efforts of regional and continental organizations is vital for effective conflict resolution. Akufo-Addo highlights the strong connection between Africa’s present socio-economic conditions and historical injustices, notably citing the impact of the slave trade. He acknowledges that current generations are not directly responsible for the transgressions, but “Its benefits are clearly interwoven with the present-day economic architecture of the nations that designed and executed it” and that “Reparations must be paid for the slave trade.”

In his powerful speech, President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa advocated for fundamental support with cooperation and solidarity between nations to address the issues of hunger and inequality worldwide. He emphasized that, even centuries after the abolition of the slave trade and decades after the end of colonial exploitation in Africa, the continent still suffers from the negative effects, stating “The people of our continent are once again bearing the cost of the industrialization and development of the wealthy nations of the world. This is a price that the people of Africa are no longer prepared to pay.” Despite the historical and contemporary challenges, he reiterates Africa’s determination to reclaim its position as a center of human progress.

President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria highlighted the importance of mutually beneficial business engagement between Nigeria, Africa, and the rest of the world. In his speech he questions the extent to which the global community is genuinely willing to engage with Nigeria and Africa on fair terms. President Tinubu condemns the exploitation of a nation’s resources by more powerful entities from other nations, asserting the need to respect the will of the people and protect the planet. He emphasizes Africa’s pivotal role in shaping the world’s future, acknowledging its significance on the global stage. “Africa is nothing less than the key to the world’s future.” – Bola Tinubu, President of Nigeria

President Hage Geingob of Namibia emphasized the urgent need to address the alarming wealth disparity between the wealthy and the marginalized in his speech, highlighting its threat to global stability and harmony. He stresses the need to foster an environment where prosperity is shared equitably and is inclusive for all. Additionally, President Geingob advocated for gender equality, emphasizing its role in promoting innovation, diversity, and social cohesion. He called for a reevaluation of punitive measures against certain nations and urged the United States to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, citing lack of evidence against the country. President Geingob concludes by stating: “The challenges we face today are not insurmountable. By holding hands and by renewing our commitment to multilateralism, we can reverse the worst effects of the unprecedented global challenges of global warming, global inequality, pandemics and conflicts.”
The article will be updated!